Need to speak to us?
01527 834850

In industry terms this involves helpdesk, consultancy, systems design, installation and maintenance services.

In business terms we simply promote ourselves as ‘your IT team’. If it’s IT then we’ll help you with it. If we are to be an outsourced alternative to employing in-house staff then we believe we should offer all the benefits you’d get with an in-house resource – and then build on that.

Our support service includes all of the below:

  • Unlimited telephone & email support
  • Queries & issues can be raised by email or phone
  • Support site visits at no extra cost
  • Daily monitoring of backups
  • Monitoring of Windows & anti-virus updates
  • Management of 3rd parties involved in your IT, e.g. BT, Sage etc.
  • Centralising all file & email data for management, security and full backup
  • Online backup
  • Scheduled restore tests of your backups


Fixed Fee IT - we only review this within any 12 month period if you add a large number of new staff/open an new office location etc. Otherwise, you’ll get 12 identical invoices that mean your IT budget is now a ‘known’ rather than an eternal ‘unknown’.

In rare instances where clients businesses become impacted by events outside our agreed remit or beyond our control and Armstrong Bell is engaged to rectify these issues, an additional quote for services may be required.

A non-exhaustive list of examples of such issues may include: restoring systems or data corrupted by malware introduced by end user actions, restoring systems that have been affected when end user is responsible for undertaking back ups and updates, project consultancy, out of hours support if not included in contract, acts of momentary end user craziness or accidental damage i.e. spilling liquids on computer equipment.

We’d love to speak to you to detail how outsourcing your IT with Armstrong Bell has four main benefits: