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Phish Testing


Phishing attacks continue to be the number one entry point for ransomware attacks, with employees being targeted even more frequently in recent times. With the destructive nature of ransomware as well as the potential for brand identity damage, it is imperative that controls and training are implemented to minimise this risk.

Through our experience, we believe that rotating between security awareness training and phishing testing on a quarterly or bi-monthly basis are the most effective ways to increase user awareness and then test these defences. The phishing testing campaigns provide highly realistic simulated emails to either the entire user base or segments as agreed, providing feedback to any users that do click on the link or malicious attachment – with the option of auto-enrolling them in to training if desired.


  • Tailored phishing campaign based on current threats
  • Comprehensive reporting on the results of testing
  • Delivered on a pre-agreed schedule
