What's in our name?
13 August 2021

We get a lot of compliments about our name, but a bit of confusion too:
“Hello is that Shift + Delete” (nope)
“Hi, is that Shift + Control” (getting closer)
“Hi is that Control + Sh…” – I can’t tell you how that one ends as they left the ‘f’ out and that just made us sound like some gangsta rap artist…
No, it’s very definitely Control and Shift. As in – we get your IT under control, and then we start to shift your expectations of your IT, ensuring that your technology is not just an overhead to you but actually helps to generate business and profits. That’s why we say that you can’t make a profit without IT.
It’s also a bit of a quirky name – like when all the web designers started calling themselves Blue Mango and the like a few years ago.
And that suits us, we’re not trying to fall in line with standard IT support. We’re trying to disrupt. Albeit very gently and by the power of good service…
So if you’d like to enjoy the benefits of having an IT team can help you get even more from the system you already have, please get in touch on 0333 344 8443 or via hello@controlandshift.com.
You might also like to read our previous article on IT Support focussed on service not sales, 21 July 2021