Should you register your business domain name?
24 July 2018

We meet with many smaller and micro businesses through our networking activities and there are cases when a business is operating without having registered their company's domain name. As a result, they may well be using a generic email provider, such as Gmail, Outlook or Yahoo for their email communications with customers. Now, there may well be good reasons for this however we would suggest that sending to or receiving mail from looks more professional than say,
Control and Shift can conduct a quick check to see whether your desired domain name is available and if you would like to claim it, is it relatively simple for us to set up for you.
This is really beneficial for both start up businesses and businesses going through a rebrand. We have worked with several medium to large businesses that have undertaken a rebrand and have needed to change their domain name.
So if you're starting a new business and are thinking about available domain names, or you'd like to migrate your email to a more professional-looking address, please contact Control and Shift at or drop us a line on 0333 344 8443 and we'll happily help you get it done.
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